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(Solved):   thin film interference of unequal thickness A wedge is formed between two standard planar ...

A wedge is formed between two standard planar glass with refractive index of \( 1.60 \) (the wedge angle is very small). The


thin film interference of unequal thickness

A wedge is formed between two standard planar glass with refractive index of \( 1.60 \) (the wedge angle is very small). The monochromatic light with wavelength \( \lambda=600 \mathrm{~nm} \) is perpendicularly incident on the wedge. If the wedge is filled with liquid \( (n=1.40) \), the distance between adjacent bright strips is smaller than that of air in the wedge \( \Delta b=0.5 \mathrm{~mm} \). Calculate the wedge angle.

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n=1.40 ?=600nm ?
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