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Q4. The longitudinal plan and typical cross-section of the roadway in North District area ...
Q4. The longitudinal plan and typical cross-section of the roadway in North District area is shown below. Standard gully grating is to be provided on the road section with bituminous wearing course. No edge drain is to be provided and the runoff coefficient \( C \) is 1 . Design the gully spacing and report the total number of gullies for this section of district distributor. Longitudinal plan of the district distributor X-section of 4 lanes district distributor Q5. The layout and property of a stormwater drainage system over a terrain are provided. Design the appropriate sizes of the pipe system given the following design parameters and information: - Storm frequency \( =1 \) in 5 years - Runoff coefficient is taken as \( \mathrm{C}=1.0 \) - Time of entry is 3 minutes - Precast concrete pipes (roughness \( =0.6 \mathrm{~mm} \) ) of standard nominal sizes - Kinematic viscosity of stormwater can be taken as \( 1 \times 10^{-6} \mathrm{~m}^{2} / \mathrm{s} \) - \( \quad \) Minimum pipe size \( =\phi 225 \mathrm{~mm} \), and with more in \( \phi 225,300,375,450 \mathrm{~mm} \) - Sewer bedding is designed to as per natural gradient