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D. Which positions in the purine ring of a purine nucleotide in DNA have the potential to ...
D. Which positions in the purine ring of a purine nucleotide in DNA have the potential to form hydrogen bonds but are not involved in Watson-Crick base pairing? 1 E. What are anomers? Cyclization of monosaccharide to a pyranose result in alpha \( (\alpha) \) and beta \( (\beta) \) anomers. Which anomers is more stable and why? (2 Marks) F. Draw the chemical structures and write their functions for the followings. Chondroitin sulfates, Heparin, Dermatan sulfate and Keratan sulfate. G. Draw the chemical structure for the oligopeptide; Ala-Asn-Cys-Gly-Val-Trp-Cys-Thr. Also show all the possible bonding/interactions with another similar oligonucleotides