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4.8 LAB - Select movie ratings with left join The Movie table has the following columns: ...
4.8 LAB - Select movie ratings with left join The Movie table has the following columns: • ID-integer, primary key Title variable-length string • Genre-variable-length string 6 RatingCode variable-length string • Year - integer The Rating table has the following columns: • Code variable-length string, primary key • Description - variable-length string Write a SELECT statement to select the Title, Year, and rating Description. Display all movies, whether or not a RatingCode is available. Hint: Perform a LEFT JOIN on the Movie and Rating tables, matching the RatingCode and Code columns. 401682 2600986.cx3zqy7 LAB 4.8.1: LAB- Select movie ratings with left join 0/10 ACTIVITY Main.sql Load default template.. 1