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(Solved): Mullett Hair Design has the following transactions during the month of February. February 2 Pay \( ...

Mullett Hair Design has the following transactions during the month of February.
February 2 Pay \( \$ 650 \) for radio advert
February 25 Provide beauty services of 595 . to cestaers os account, February 28 Pay utility bill for the current tonth of \(
February 28 Pay utility bill for the current math af eser on account
Rocord each transaction. Mulleit uses the foll
pid each transaction, Mullett uses the following accounts Cash, Accounts Receivable, Supp: onue, Advertising Expense.
Record cach transaction. Mullett uses the following accountr: Cash, Accounts Receivable, Sus Mevento, Advertising E
February 25 Provide beduty services of \( \$ 958 \) to custoters on ace6unt. Febriary 28 Pay. ittlity bitt for the current mo
February 78 Pay utility bill foe the cupent anth af eaca an account.
Record each transaction. Mullett uses the foll
Mullett Hair Design has the following transactions during the month of February. February 2 Pay \( \$ 650 \) for radio advertising for February. February 7 Purchase beauty supplies of \( \$ 1,250 \) on account, February 14 Provide beauty services of \( \$ 2,650 \) to customers and receive cash. February 15 Pay employee salaries for the current month of \( \$ B 50 . \) February 25 Provide beauty services of \( \$ 950 \) to custoners on account. February 28 Pay utillty bill for the current month of \( \$ 250 \). Required: Record each transaction, Mullett uses the following accounts: Cash, Accounts Recelvable, Supplies, Accounts Payable, Service Revenue, Advertising Expense, Salaries Expense, and Utilities Expense. (If no entry is required for a transaction/event, select "No Journal Entry Required" in the first account field.) February 25 Provide beauty services of 595 . to cestaers os account, February 28 Pay utility bill for the current tonth of \( \$ 250 . \) Required: Record each transaction. Multet uses the following account Cash, Accounts Receivabie, Suppli Revenue, Advertising Expense, Salaries Experse, and Utities Expense. (If no entry is required Journal Entry Required" In the first account field.) February 28 Pay utility bill for the current math af eser on account Required: Rocord each transaction. Mulleit uses the following occounts: Cosh, Accounts Receivable, St Revenue; Advertising Expense, Solaries Expense, and UTaities Expense. (If no entry is requir Journal Entry, Required" in the first account field.) Journal entry worksheet uired: pid each transaction, Mullett uses the following accounts Cash, Accounts Receivable, Supp: onue, Advertising Expense. Salaries Expenso, and Utives Experse. (If no entry is required 9 mal Entry Required" In the first account field.) Journal entry worksheet Provide besuty services of \( \$ 2,650 \) to customers and receive cach. Required: Record cach transaction. Mullett uses the following accountr: Cash, Accounts Receivable, Sus Mevento, Advertising Expense, Salaries Expense, and Utities Expense. (if no entry is require Journal Entry Required" in the first account field.) Journal entry worksheet \( <\quad 1 \quad 2 \quad 3 \) 566 Pay enployee salaries for the curtent menth of seso. Wote; Ester debin telore credin February 25 Provide beduty services of \( \$ 958 \) to custoters on ace6unt. Febriary 28 Pay. ittlity bitt for the current mots af \( 5250 . \) Required: Record each transaction. Mullett uses the following accourt Cesh, Accounts Recelvable. Supp Revenue, Adwertising Expense, Salaries Expense, and veities Expene. Mr no entry is requiree Journal Entry Fequired" in the first account field) Journal entry worksheet < 1 2 \( -3 \) a Provide beasty services of \( \$ 950 \) to custamers an acciount. Hote: Cabar delek belare rrodic. February 78 Pay utility bill foe the cupent anth af eaca an account. Required: Record each transaction. Mullett uses the following accounta: Cash, Accounta Roceivable, Se Revenue, Advertising Expense. Salarios Expense, and Utities Exense. (If no entry is requit Journal Entry Required" in the first account field.) Journal entry worksheet Pay UAity bili for the carrent month of \( \$ 250 . \) Hobei Eriter delolas belore credit:

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Answer : The company follows the accrual method of recording transactions in its books a) To record journal entry February 2 transaction Date Account title and Explanation Debit ($) Credit ($) February 2 Advertising Expense 650 Cash 650 ( To record p
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