(Solved): Mass transfer from a sphere: catalyst sphere of radius R is suspended in a large, motionless bod ...
Mass transfer from a sphere: ? catalyst sphere of radius R is suspended in a large, motionless body of fluid. It is desired to study the mass transfer in the fluid surrounding the sphere. a) Set up the differential equation describing the concentration CA? in the surrounding fluid (with constant diffusivity DAB? ) as a function of r, the distance from the center of the sphere which has a radius R. You may assume that the fluid B is quiescent; consexuently, the Peclet number is zero and convection may be ignored. Integrate the equation and use the boundary conditions CA?(r=R)=CAR? and CA?(r=?)=CA?? to solve for the concentration profile. b) From the concentration profile, obtain an expression for the molar flux of species A at the surface of the sphere. Equate this result to the molar flux written using a mass transfer condition at the surface of the sphere and show that kc?=RDAB??, where kr? is the mass transfer coefficient.