marks) The figure below shows a cascade amplifier. The current gain, of the transistors Q1 and ...
marks) The figure below shows a cascade amplifier. The current gain, ß of the transistors Q1 and Q2 is 100. The base-emitter forward voltage, VBE of both transistors Q1 and Q2 is 0.7V. The supply voltage, Vcc is 12V. Assume the circuit is operating in room temperature. The thermal voltage, VT=26mV. Given I? = 0.249mA +Vcc R1 Q2 BC549C 20k0 R4 1kQ IBI R6 10k t IB2 Q1 BC549C R2 2kQ R3 KVL Loop tka Here IE? R5 IE? VIEI By assuming the base currents, Is are negligible, determine: (a) Value of the overall voltage gain. R1||B X (rez+R4) Hint: Ay Tel+R2 8kQ Ov ] [5 Marks]