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(Solved): Macroeconomics a) Berikan SATU (1) persamaan dan SATU (1) perbezaan antara keluk permintaan agrega ...


a) Berikan SATU (1) persamaan dan SATU (1) perbezaan antara keluk permintaan agregat
dan keluk penawaran agregat.
Give ONE (1

a) Berikan SATU (1) persamaan dan SATU (1) perbezaan antara keluk permintaan agregat dan keluk penawaran agregat. Give ONE (1) similarity and ONE (1) dissimilarity between aggregate demand curve and aggregate supply curve. b) Jelaskan DUA (2) sebab mengapa keluk permintaan agregat bercerun negatif. Explain TWO (2) reasons why the aggregate demand curve is negatively sloped. c) Berdasarkan kerangka AS-AD, jelaskan dan tunjukkan bagaimana setiap daripada perubahan berikut mempengaruhi tingkat output dan harga keseimbangan: Based on the AS-AD framework, explain and demonstrate how each of the following changes affect the equilibrium output and price levels: i) Kenaikan harga minyak mentah akibat perang Russia-Ukraine. An increase in the crude oil price due to the Russia-Ukraine war. iii) Kerajaan bersetuju untuk membenarkan pengeluaran khas dana KWSP sehingga RM10,000. The government has agreed to allow a special withdrawal of EPF funds of up to RM10,000. d) Peningkatan dalam teknologi adalah lebih efektif dalam menjana ekonomi berbanding dasar kewangan bilamana tingkat ekonomi mencapai gunatenaga penuh. Bincangkan berbantukan model AD-AS. Improvements in technology are more effective in generating an economy than an expanding monetary policy when the level of the economy reaches full employment. Discuss with the help of the AD-AS model.

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(a) Demand means a desire to purchase a product or service which is backed by willingness to pay as well as ability to pay. Unless desire is backed by purchasing power or ability to
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