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(Solved): Learning More about Asteroid Detection The geological record of Earth reminds us that though rare, ...
Learning More about Asteroid Detection The geological record of Earth reminds us that though rare, significant impact events do happen. A numbet of organizations are working diligently to devise better detection and protection methods against the threat of an asteroid impact. To learn more about curtent efforts, check out any of these organizations Asteroid mitigation strategies. If a potentially hazardaus asteroid is coming your way, what can you do about it? The Ceater for Near Earth objects Studies Find rews and data about close opproaches of asteroids to Earth. NASA Planetary Defense Coordination Ottice-NEOS This center plays a lead tole in coordinating U.S. government monitoring of clase approach asteroids and planning a response to an actual impact threat. JPL-SENTRY Colishon Monitoring System SENTAY liats dota and information about known objects that have highest potential for a future Earth impoct. Use the SENTHY site above to answer this question:
To learn more about current efforts, check out any of these organizattons: Asteroid mitigation strategies If a potentially hazardous asteroid is coming your way, what can you do about it? The Center for Near Earth Objects Studies Find news and dota about close approaches of asteroids to Earth. NASA Planetary Defense Coordination Office - NEOs This center plays a lead role in coordinating U.S. government monitoring of close approach asteroids and planning a response to an actual impact threat. JPL SENTRY Collision Monitoring System SENTRY lists data and information about known objects that have highest potential for a future Earth impact Use the SENTRY site above to answer this question: 57. Of all of the asteroids now listed on SENTRY, which is of most concern to you? List its name and explain all of the factors (year range for impact, number of potential impacts, impact probability. Palermo scale, etc.) you considered in making your decision.