Lab! Please follow all steps. Thank you in advance
The Scientific Method: The Thumb Lab Introduction: The scientific method is important for setting up meaningful experiments for all branches of science. It provides a framework for thinking and setting up experiments. There are several steps to the method: 1. Determine the problem (Experimental Question). The problem can come from experience from personal observations, or from research done by others. 2. Develop a hypothesis: a potential explanation to the problem based in observations and/or what is already known (in other words, the observations mentioned above). To be proper, there is both a null hypothesis and an alternative hypothesis. The null states what would happen if there is no relationship between the factors in the problem. The alternative states what would happen if the relationship does occur. 3. Make predictions of what to expect if the null hypothesis is correct, and if the alternative hypothesis is correct. These are typically written as if/then statements. 4. Design a controlled experiment, changing only one variable at a time. The independent variable is the process that you are studying; the dependent variable is the one that changes in response. 5. Collect and organize data. Here you will simply use a table. Many times, we graph results and perform statistical tests. 6. Draw a conclusion. Answer: Which prediction was true? Which hypothesis was correct? Today you will be running a controlled experiment; you will be asked to: formulate a null and alternative hypothesis, predict the results, run the experiments, collect and organize the data, and draw a conclusion. Your lab assignment is to do the experiments, record the data and answer the questions. The data chart and the answers to your questions will be handed in through Blackboard as per your lab instructor's directions as the graded portion for this lab. Primates have evolved to have opposable thumbs. What is the value or the lack thereof of opposable thumbs? The experimental question for this lab is "Will everyday tasks take longer or happen faster without the use of your thumbs?" Pre-Lab Questions: Read the Procedure below. Then answer the Pre-lab questions before conducting the experiment. 1) What is your null hypothesis? What is your alternative hypothesis? (Remember the definitions of these terms given in the introduction)
2) Explain how you came up with your hypothesis. 3) What were your predictions? Write two "If-then" statements on what you expect your data to look like if each hypothesis (null and alternative) is true. A. If the hypothesis is true, then B. If the hypothesis is true, then Procedure: Begin the experiment after you've answered the Pre-lab Questions. 1. Using a timer (on your phone or a watch), determine how long it takes you to complete four of the following tasks (your choice). A. Write your full name (First, Middle, Last) in cursive. B. Take the top off a soda or water bottle and put it back on. C. Turn to page 56 in a book. D. Unite your shoe, take it off, put it back on, and tie it. e. Unbutton and button a button. 2. Write your times in the table below. 3. Now complete the same four tasks with your thumb taped up. Tape the thumb to the hand you are using to the side of the hand. Use the same hand you used as above. 4. Write your times in the table below.
1. What is the control group in this experiment? 2. What is the Independent Variable in this experiment? 3. What is the Dependent Variable in this experiment? 4. Describe at least two of your results, and explain why you got the results that you did. 5. Give at least 2 errors that occurred during your experiment \( \& \) explain how that impacted your results. 6. In conclusion, which hypothesis do you accept and why? Now that you are done, do you agree that opposable thumbs are great?I