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Is the following molecule chiral or achiral? chiral achiral
How many chiral centers are in the mo ...
Is the following molecule chiral or achiral? chiral achiral
How many chiral centers are in the molecule below?
In the following molecule, which carbons are chiral? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Of the following, which group has the highest priority? \( -\mathrm{SH} \) \( -\mathrm{NH}_{2} \) \( -\mathrm{H} \) \( -\mathrm{OH} \)
Is the molecule below \( \mathrm{R} \) or \( \mathrm{S} \) ? R
Answer: Achiral, FOUR, 6, -SH, R. Explanation: A molecule with a tetrahedral carbon atom will be chiral if the tetrahedral carbon atom has four different substituents attached to it. The given carbon atom has two similar groups i.e. two m