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(Solved): IN C++ cout \( ...

IN C++

cout \( << \) The two strings: ;
cout \( <<\mathrm{s} 1<< \)  and  \( <<\mathrm{s} 2<< \)  are the same \( \ln  ; \)

Modify the P10_1.cpp program to ask users for two strings then:
1. Append the second string to the end of the first string an

cout \( << \) "The two strings: "; cout \( <<\mathrm{s} 1<< \) " and " \( <<\mathrm{s} 2<< \) " are the same \( \ln " ; \) else \{ cout \( << \) "The two strings: "; cout \( <<\mathrm{s} 1<< \) " and " \( <<\mathrm{s} 2<< \) " are NOT the same \( \backslash n^{\prime \prime} \); \} count \( ++; \) return \( 0 ; \) \}-String Input and Output Note the way we initialized the strings from the keyboard: and we display their values using: cout \( << \) s \( 1<< \) " and " \( << \) s \( 2<<" \) are NOT the same \( \backslash \) In"; When we did the reading, a blank space between the two strings that we type will tell the compiler which word goes to which string. Thus, if we would enter: "Black board", s1 would take "Black" and s2 would take "board". The same thing would happen if we would have entered these two as: Black board C-String-to-Number Functions The functions atoi, atol, and atof can be used to convert a \( \mathrm{C} \)-string of digits to the corresponding numeric value. The first two functions convert the \( \mathrm{C} \)-string to integers of type int or long, respectively. The last one will convert the \( \mathrm{C} \)-string to double. Example: int \( \mathrm{x}= \) atoi("675"); This sets the value of \( x \) to 675 . In order to use these functions, you need to have \#include \( < \) cstdlib \( > \) in your program. Modify the P10_1.cpp program to ask users for two strings then: 1. Append the second string to the end of the first string and display the resulting string, 2. Display a message on whether or not the resulting word is a Palindrome. Such strings are the same when you write them backward. For example: race \( +c a r= \) racecar .... this word written backwards is also racecar, thus, it is a palindrome. Call your new program exl01.cpp.

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Basically in the program we enter the two string checking weather the length of the string is equal or not if the length of the both string equal then
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