Given N points on a 2D plane. Find the maximum number of points which can be covered by a rectangle with length x and breadth y. A point is said to be covered by a recatangle if it lies on the sides or inside the rectangle. Example 1: Input: N=5 Points ={(1,1),(2,3),(3,4),(2,4),(5,5)} x=2,y=2
Input: N=5 Points ={(1,1),(2,3),(3,4),(2,4),(5,5)} x=2,y=2 Output: 3 Explaination :
Maximum Points Covered Accuracy: 22.22\% Submissions: 9 Points: 50 Explaination :
Maximum Points Covered Accuracy: 22.22% Submissions: 9 Points: 50 Here we can see that this rectangle covers maximum poin Your Task: You don't need to read input or print anything. Your task is to complete the function maximumpoints() which takes N, arr (2D list of points), x and y as input parameters and returns an integer denoting maximum number of points that can be covered by rectangle of size x?y. Constraints: 1?N?105.
Here we can see that this rectangle covers maximum poin Your Task: You don't need to read input or print anything. Your task is to complete the function maximumpoints() which takes N, arr (2D list of points), x and y as input parameters and returns an integer-denoting maximum number of points that can be covered by ilangle of size x?y. Constraints: 1?N?1051?arr[i][0],arr[i][1]?10001?x,y?1000?
Python3 Test against custom input