I just need help with question 6, please!
Experimental Procedure Prepare a solution of sodium metaborate, NaBO2?, by dissolving 4.75 g(0.0125 mole) of borax, Na2? B4?O7?.10H2?O and 1 g(0.025 mole ) of sodium hydroxide in 20 mL of warm water. Cool this mixture in ice and then slowly add 5.75 mL of 30 per cent hydrogen peroxide diluted with 15 mL of water. Keep the flask in ice and stir for about 15 min utes, or until the crystallization of sodium peroxoborate appears to be complete. If the crystals do not appear after 15 minutes, try seeding the solution with a seed crystal obtained from one of the other students in the class. Alternatively, add 30% hydrogen peroxide dropwise until precipitation initiates. Do not add more than 20 drops. This will help initate the precipitation by a "salting out" effect. Filter the crystals under suction, wash with alcohol and ether, and dry. On the basis of chemical analysis, one might write the formula as NaBO2??H2?O2??3H2?O or NaBO3??4H2?O, but the crystal structure indicates that the formula is more accurately written as Na2? B2?(O2?)2?(OH)4??6H2?O. Qualitatively test approximately 0.1 g samples of the sodium peroxoborate you have prepared. If a balance is not conveniently available, 0.1 g can be estimated to be about the volume of solid sample approximating the volume of a small pea. To the 0.1 g sample of the sodium peroxoborate, add 6 mL of 0.1 NHCl. To this acidified solution, add 0.1 molar KMnO4? solution dropwise. Observe the results. Write equations for the reactions. Was Mn2+ or Mn4+ formed? To another 0.1 g sample of the sodium peroxoborate, add 6 mL of 0.1 NHCl. To this acidified solution, add dropwise a fresh solution of 1.65 gKI in 100ml, water (0.165 g SODIUM PEROXOBORATE 159 KI in 10 mL water if the KI is made up individually by each student). Observe the results. Write equations for the reactions. Questions to be Considered 1. If the solution of sodium metaborate prepared in this experiment is evaporated, borax will crystallize out. Explain. 2. A solution of borax in water is quite strongly alkaline. Explain. Why can borax be regarded as an acid salt? 3. How would you attempt to prepare solid NaBO2? ? 4. Compare the structural formula for sodium peroxoborate with the formula of perchloric acid. 5. Assume that you have a 0.1 molar solution of sodium peroxoborate. What percent would be decomposed to hydrogen peroxide? 6. Write a balanced equation describing what happens in the permanganate test and the iodide test.