I. From your knowledge of DSB-SC and SSB modulation, highlight the differences between the two and ...
I. From your knowledge of DSB-SC and SSB modulation, highlight the differences between the two and in the light of those differences make an argument suggesting which one is better. The better you present your argument, the higher you score; however your answer should not exceed 5 lines. [3.3] II. Assume twitter decides to launch operations for astronauts and researchers on Mars. For this purpose data needs to be transmitted from the headquarters on earth to the base station on Mars. i. Engineers are thinking of using DSB-SC as a modulation technique. If the baseband signal is \( (t)=\cos w_{m} t \), derive the passband signal in time domain and explicitly mention the carrier, upper sideband and lower sideband. You may use a sketch to explain your answer if you wish. [5] ii. Assuming ideal conditions and no losses, will the complete original signal be received on Mars? If not what can be the reason behind this? [2] iii. Outline the complete modulation-demodulation process with the help of a sketch, starting from the modulation of \( m(t) \) until the demodulation and extraction of the original signal. [5] II. Suppose we have an input signal \( a x\left(t-t_{o}\right) \) and, while travelling through a system, it undergoes a delay of \( t_{o} \) and the output is multiplied by a constant \( b \). Write the expression for the output signal \( y(t) \) and state whether it is distortionless or not. [3] V. Determine and sketch the Fourier transform of the signal \( \boldsymbol{x}(t) \cos 5 \boldsymbol{t} \) where \( \boldsymbol{x}(t)= \) \( \operatorname{rect}\left(\frac{t}{4}\right) \cdot[5] \)