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(Solved): How Repeated Cell Division Can Make Trillions of Cells Each of us began as a single cell which div ...

How Repeated Cell Division Can Make Trillions of Cells
Each of us began as a single cell which divided into two daughter cell

How Repeated Cell Division Can Make Trillions of Cells Each of us began as a single cell which divided into two daughter cells. How can multiple repetitions of one cell dividing into two cells produce the trillions of cells in a human body? To understand, answer the questions below. 8a. Complete this table to show the number of cells an embryo would have if every cell divided each day, so the number of cells doubled each day. 8b. On day 2 there was only 1 more cell than on the previous day. On day 6 there were more cells than on the previous day. As an embryo grows, the number of cells available to divide increases, so cell division can add more and more cells each day. This explains how cell division can produce more than a trillion cells in a newborn baby, starting from a single cell just nine months earlier! 9. Even in a fully grown adult, some cells continue to divide. Why is cell division useful in an adult who is no longer growing? (Hint: Think about what happens when you have an injury that scrapes off some of your skin.)

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How Repeated Cell Division Can Make Trillions of Cells Each of us began as a single cell which divided into two daughter cells. How can multiple repet
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