Home / Expert Answers / Physics / how-many-kilograms-of-uranium-235-would-you-need-to-power-a-1gw-power-plant-for-a-year-using-fission-pa697

(Solved): how many kilograms of Uranium-235 would you need to power a 1GW power plant for a year using fission ...

how many kilograms of Uranium-235 would you need to power a 1GW power plant for a year using fission if the reaction is 25% efficient? 

Question 1: Nuclear Power
Consider the energy released in the neutron-induced fission reaction:
n+{ }^{235} U \rightarrow{
Question 1: Nuclear Power Consider the energy released in the neutron-induced fission reaction: \[ n+{ }^{235} U \rightarrow{ }^{92} \mathrm{Kr}+{ }^{142} \mathrm{Ba}+2 n \] Given the masses: \[ \begin{array}{c} n=1.008665 U \\ { }^{235} U=238.05078826 U \\ { }^{92} \mathrm{Kr}=91.926269 U \\ { }^{142} \mathrm{Ba}=141.916361 U \\ 1 U=1.6605 \times 10^{-27} \mathrm{~kg} \end{array} \] How many kilograms of Uranium-235 would you need to power a \( 16 W \) power plant for a year using this fission reaction if the reaction is \( 25 \% \) efficient?

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First we calculate the energy released per fission in uranium 235U E1=?mc2 Mass of reactance, MR=1.008665+238.05078826=239.05945326 U Mass of product,
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