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(Solved): How do I find the Lifting Condensation Level? Questions 4-10. 1-3 was done in class Determine the Re ...

student submitted image, transcription available belowHow do I find the Lifting Condensation Level? Questions 4-10. 1-3 was done in class

Determine the Relative Humidity, Dew Point, and Lifting Condensation Level: 1. The temperature is and it contains of water vapor. 2. The temperature is and it contains of water vapor. BH: 3. The temperature is and it contains of water vapor. RH: Dew point: 4. The temperature is and it contains of water vapor. 5. The temperature is and it contains of water vapor. 6. The temperature is and the mixing ratio is 3.5 7. The temperature is and the mixing ratio is 8.32 . 8. The temperature is and the mixing ratio is 3.66 . 9. The temperature is and the mixing ratio is 17.59 . RH: DP: 10. The temperature is and the mixing ratio is 6.54 .

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To calculate the lifting condensation level (LCL) given a relative humidity (RH) of 25% and a dew ...
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