how do I calculate the charging rate and discharginf rate of the 100uf capacitor in t ...
how do I calculate the charging rate and discharginf rate of the 100uf capacitor in this circuit?
Construct the above circuit using the Multisim or Yenka simulation software package to measure the capacitor voltage and circuit current. Set the switch to ensure the capacitor is fully charged as above. Start the simulation and move the switch to discharge down the capacitor then press pause when the capacitor is discharged. (i) Print-screen/snip your oscilloscope / graph screens and record your results on table2. To do this, record the capacitor voltage and circuit from either your graphs or meter readings at intervals of 0.2s. (ii) To verify your results, calculate the time constant, then using the discharge formulae from your notes, find the capacitor voltage and the circuit current at time t=0.6&1.8s. Show evidence of your calculations and compare these with the measured values found at t=0.6s&1.8s from your table 2 /graphs. Briefly comment on your comparison. (iii) Using the simulator graphs (or manually plot the graphs from your table 2 results) for voltage and current, explain and the relationship between voltage and current in this switched off circuit.