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Lab Exercises Lab Exercise \# 1: Identification of Igneous Rocks The identification and classification of igneous rocks is based on texture and mineralogical composition. Color is also useful because it is a reflection of the mineralogical composition, but, if you can see the grain, you may also be able identify the mineral based on cleavage or a crystal form characteristic of a component mineral. Feel free to use the Mineral Identification Key in Appendix V of this lab manual to identify component minerals, or to review the material in Lesson 5 , as needed. In addition, you may download and print the Igneous Rock Textures Photo Guide to help you to identify the samples in this lesson. Instructions and Observations Step 1: Retrieve the bag labeled Lab \#6 Igneous Rock Samples from your lab kit and place the specimens (numbered I through 10) on a white sheet of paper. Step 2: Determine the identity of each rock, then write its name in the proper cell of Figure 6.12. Note that not every cell will be filled. The flow chart in Figure 6.13 will help you narrow down the possibilities. Figure 6.12 Igneous Rock Lab Chart.
Figure 6.13 Igneous Rock Identification Flow Chart. thustration by Susan wies
Lab Exercise \# 2: Magma, Volcanism, and Igneous Rocks Every igneous rock has a story to tell that geologists can unravel by considering the rock's iexture and composition. In this exercise, you will briefly tell the story of four of the igneous samples you just identified-samples 1,4,6, and 9. Instructions and Observations Write a few lines about each of the rocks listed below, including the following information: (1) Rock name (2) Was this rock formed from felsic, intermediate, or mafic magma or lava? How do you know? (3) What type of plate boundary is associated with this type of magmalava composition? (4) What kind of eruption and volcanic structure is this type of magmalava associated with? (5) Where did this rock solidify? Underground? On Earth's surface from extruded lava? In midair as part of expelled pyroclastic material? How do you know? (6) How relatively quick was this rock's formation? Did it solidify in a one-or two-step process? How do you know? Submit to your instructor as directed. Keep a copy for yourself to use in answering quiz questions. Sample N1: Sample N4: Sample \#6: Sample $9 :