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(Solved): help.. 2. What is a peptide bondt What kind of bond is it, and what menameric units does it tink tog ...
2. What is a peptide bondt What kind of bond is it, and what menameric units does it tink together? 3 Which of the followhy are true for twiest icircte the correct oramer.) 3. Fats, waxes, and pherpholipidt ace examples. b. Lipids contaio carbon, hyd ogen, and oxpen in a fit:t matio. c. Lipids are involuble in water ans soluble in nospolar compoundi such m ether. d. All of the above. 4. Both a andic. 4 What is an essential armino acid Name two found in humam. 5 What is the difference between a redacing ugar and a suardy