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(Solved): Gramma Experiment 6: Acceleration of a Cart Sliding down the inclined plane Introduction Procedure ...

Experiment 6: Acceleration of a Cart
Sliding down the inclined plane
m, kg

Gramma Experiment 6: Acceleration of a Cart Sliding down the inclined plane Introduction Procedure Run m, kg Adem measured m/ calculated The purpose of this lab is to explore acceleration of a blocksliding up and down the incline plane with friction Free-body diagrams for the block sliding down and up the incline are shown in Figures A and B, respectively. 31 Physics Simulations: Inclined Plane https://ophysic.com/12.htm 5 #2 10 Static and Kinetic Friction on an Inclined Plane Questions: mg sino mp cose 1. Why is acceleration independent on the man of the block look for anwer in the lecture moms) me sing mg cose FH e e Figure A Figure B 2. What value of acceleration, or Aww, Islarar? Why? In the presence of friction, acceleration of the block sliding down (down) and up loup) the indine is different because the force of friction changes direction when direction of the block motion changes as shown in Figs. A and B. The magnitude of the force of kinetic friction, Ff, is determined as Fs = #xFN 3. Why the value of velocity is negative when the block moves up the incline and patitive when the block moves down the incline? where is the coeffident of kinetic friction, and the normal force Fx is determined as FN = mg cor cos 1 Set the angle of the inde 8 = 25', coeffident of kinetic friction 3= 0.15, coefficient of static friction D = 0.4 (Note: static friction is irrelevant here but the value of , should be set up for the simulation to run) 2 In Run #1, set the mass of the black m = 5 kg. In Run 2, change the mass to 10 kg 3 Launch the block up the inclined plane with initial velocity vo = - 10 m/s and record its acceleration when it moves first up and then down the indined plane Calculate the values of up" and "down" accelerations 5 Summarize your results in the tables below Using the above formulas (see the lecture notes for details) one can find that for a block sliding down the inclined plane 4 4. Why the value of acceleration is always positive repardess of the direction of the bloc motion Adown = g(einsins - Hk cos con whereas fora block sliding up the inclined plane Cup = g(ensin + He cos Cor) In these formulas, is the incline angle and g = 9.8 m/ is acceleration due to gravity Sliding up the inclined plane Gup, m/ upr. m/ calculated Run m, kg measured 5 #2 10 In this experiment, we measure the acceleration of a block sliding up and down the inclined plane attivo different values of the mass of the block m and compare the results of the measurements with theoretical predictions 0003 56°F Cloudy 12:01 AM 4/27/2022 Page: 1 of 3 Words: 430 O Si Type here to search

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