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Can you please assist me with completing the topic template below for below topic :
1. Leading High Risk Projects Complexity and risks are becoming a greater issue for project managers around the world. Complex projects have a high failure rate. Colonel John Hunt, the successful 1953 Mount Everest expedition leader, is provided as an example of servant leadership in a high-risk project setting.
- A sample is regarded as a subset of the population. Thus, some elements and not all the elements of the population would form the sample size of a study. The sample size should be derived from the total number of your target population and you would need to explain how your sample size was derived. You may access the Website shown below to derive the sample size from the total number of the target population (a 95\\% confidence level and \5 margin of error is generally valid in research). For example, if the total number of the target population is 300 employees, 169 employees will form the sample size of the study (according to the sample size table reflected in the Website shown below). Please remember that a sample size is not the number of responses that you will receive through your data collection instrument. A sample size is determined prior to conducting data collection. https I/wuww.research-advisors com/tools/SampleSize.htm - For the quantitative research method, the total number of the target population should ideally be 75 and the sample size should be 63 (according to the sample size table reflected in the Wobsite shown above). For the qualitative research method, the total number of the target population should ideally be 30 and the sample size should be 28 (according to the sample size table reflected in the Website shown above). All referencing should only follow the Harvard referencing style. Furthermore, references should not be older than five years (except in the case of original authors or textbooks). Information is constantly changing and it is important that you keep up with current trends. The length of the Capstone Project topic submission should not exceed 1.5 pages. Once you have completed all fields within the Capstone Project topic submission template, you are required to seek approval from your supervisor at least 1.5 weeks before the due date. The best way to obtain approval would be via emall. After you have obtained the necessary feedback and approval from your supervisor, kindly implement the necessary changes. Thereafter, upload the final Capstone Project topic submission document to the MancosaConnect student portal before or on the due date.\r\n\r\n\r\ndetermine, to identify, to describe, to establish and to develop. - Use bullet points to list your research objectives. - This section starts with: The objectives of this research is (changes to past tense (is to was) in the final report submission): 1.6 Research Questions - Convert your objectives directly into questions. There should be as many research questions as there are research objectives. If there are two research objectives, there should be two corresponding research questions. If there are three research objectives, there should be three corresponding research questions. - Use bullet points to list your corresponding research questions. - This section starts with: The following research questions are derived from the research objectivos (changes to past tense (are to wore) in the final report submission): 1.7 Research Method - The most common classification of research methods are quantitative and qualitative research methods. Quantitative research makes use of a questionnaire to gather data that is revised and tabulated in numbers. Developing a questionnaire and emailing that questionnaire to participants is an example of quantitative research. Qualitative research makes use of a questionnaire and interviews to gather data and presents data in the form of a prescriptive narration with words to understand the natural setting of the phenomenon being studied. Developing a questionnaire and conducting telephonic or face to face interviews using that questionnaire is an example of qualitative research. Choose ONLY ONE of these research methods The reason for choosing a specific research method should also be stated 1.8 Target Population - The target population is a listing of all the elements in the population from which the sample is drawn. Restrict your target population to a maximum of one group of professionals. For instance, if a company consists of the marketing department. information technology department, finance department and human resources department, choose only one department appropriate to your research\r\n- Choose a title that captures the essence of your proposed project. 1.2 Background lo the Problem - This section will be used to create the readers' interest. It can include a specific description of the topic that is to be investigated. A brief preview of the topic and the foundation of the problem should also be given. The researcher can achieve this through building up a detailed background of circumstances that lead to the problem being examined. Therefore, the background helps the reader understand the specific problem addressed by the researcher. - This section should not include the background/history of the organisation. - The background to the problem should not be more than \\( 1 / 2 \\) a page. 1.3 Problem Statement (also known as the problem to be investigated or research problem) - Describe the gap in literature and hence the need to conduct the research. For example, after reading ten articles about your topic from reputable journals, you may discover that previous studies have not used your specific larget population as the participants. In this example, your lesearch would be filling the gap of targeting participants that were limited in previous studies or not used as participants at all. - The problem statement should be eight lines in length in a paragraph format. 1.4 Aim of the Study - The aim of the study refers to the goal of your research. Your aim should be clear, unambiguous, concise and indicate what you intend to achieve with your research. - This section starts with. The aim of this study is .... (changes to past tense (is to was) in the final report submission) - The aim should be five lines in length in a paragraph format. 1.5 Research Objectives - There should be between two to three objectives. Kindly refrain from listing more than