Home / Expert Answers / Computer Science / given-the-following-table-schema-normalize-the-database-design-to-third-normal-form-3nf-showin-pa274

(Solved): Given the following table schema, normalize the database design to third normal form (3NF), showin ...

Given the following table schema, normalize the database design to third normal form (3NF), showing UNF, 1NF and 2NF steps. A

Given the following table schema, normalize the database design to third normal form (3NF), showing UNF, 1NF and 2NF steps. Add attributes if they are required, be reasonable and do not go crazy adding too many. (10 marks)

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answer! Given table Normalization is the process of removing data redundancy, normalization divides table and maintain relation between them.so it add the following 1. Flexible database design 2. Data security 3. Reduce redundancy 4. Organized data 1
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