Geneticists use pedigree charts to study the genetic trails of a family and listrate the pattem a speclic trait exhlbits in the family. A square designates a male, and a circie designates a female. A horizontal line between a male and female designates a couple. Extending down from this line is another line that ends at a crossbar from which lines for al of their children descend. The square or cirele for any individual who exhibits the trat being studied will be shaded. Here is an exampie: By studying the pattern of the shaded boxes, genetisists can detemine if a trait is dominant or recessive, and whether it is carried by autosemal chromosornes (pais 1 through 22) or sex chromosomes (23ie pair). The specific genotypes of each family member can many times bo determined, 35 well. Al recessive individuals will have the recessive genotype \{aa\}. All dominant indiveuals will have af least one dominant allele (A ). The compiote genotype for dominant individuals can only be determined if thoy have rocessive parents or offsoring Those daminant individials will carty the recessive allele, also (Aa). Dominant individuals whose second allele cannot be determined wil be designated as (A ) or (A).
How to Recognize a Pattern of Inhoriance in a Pedigree Chart The positive identf cation of a dominant trat (euch as a widow's peak) can be made in a famil where both parents oxthibit the trail but have a child that does not exhibit that trait (straight haitline). Likesise, the postre idenification of a rocessive trait (atached earlobes) can be made in a famly where neither parent eatibts the lrat, but a child does. This can be explained by looking at genotypes. If a couple both exhibit the same phenotype of a trait, there is a possibilizy that some of thet chilsres could exhibit a different phenotypo ONLY if the couple both have the heterozygous dominant (Aa) genotype. They each exhibit the dominant phenotype but carry a recessive alele. The chld who extibits the recessive phenotype will have receined a recessive allele trom each parent and have a homozygous recessive (aa) ganotype. The alleles for a sex-lined trat are carred on the sex chiomosomes (X and Y ) rather than the autosomal chromosomes (pars 1 through 22. For sex-inked trats studied in this lab book, alleles are recessive and camied on the X chromosme only (X-inked). These recessive sexc. linked traits are expressed more frequenty in men than in women, it a male (XY) inhents even one recessive X Finked alwele it wil be expresses, becacse he carries only one X chromosome A fomale (XX) mut inhent two recessivn X-irise aleles to express this bype of recessive sexlinked trait. If recessive trat shows up prosominatly in malea. t may well be gextlinked. To verily sex-linkage, look at the sons of aftected mathers and daughters of uratlacted fathers. An affected female (X5X2) must give all of her sons an X6 chromosome. Since their father gives them a Y chromosome. Allisens of an atiected mothor eahibit the trat An unaflectod male (XYY) must give all of his daughten his X2 chromoseme, hesefore No dquantar of an ynoffectes imbleics
Biology 101 Pedigroe Worksheot \#1 1. Do shaded shapes represent a rocessive, dom rant, or sex-inked trai?? 2. Explain how you can determine this (you may atar or cicle speofic areas of chant). 3. Finally, write the genotype of as many individus as you are able below each 5ymbol. 1. Do shaded sthapes represent a recessive, dominant or sexilitied trait? 2. Explain how you can determine this fyou may star or chele apecific areas of chary. Finally. write the genotype of as mary indwidis as you are able below each symbol.
1. Do shaded shapes represent a recessive, dominant, or sex-linked trait? 2. Explain how you can determine this (you may star or circle specific areas of chart). 3. Finally, write the genotype of as many indi viduals as you are abie belos each symbol. 1. Do shaded shapes represent a recessive, dominant, or sex-iriked trait? 2. Explain how you can determine this fyou may star or circle apecific areas of chart). 3. Finally, write the genotype of as many indlididals as you are able below each symbol.
1. A couple decides they want to have thret children what is the probabilyy that all three wil be male? 21?×2?1?=31?a+xb5xa3 okts ? 2. A woman cannot curl her tongue, but both ot her pacents can. Is tongue-curting dominant or recessive? What are the genotypes of al persens nvolvod? terfuck - saility is domant friolie i+ 3. Huntington's chorea is due to a rave aifosemal dominart alele that causes severe mental and physical deterioration, uncordrolable muscle spasms, personaly charges, and ultmately. insanity. This dsease is characterized by onset reatively late in affe fusubly botween ages 35 and 50), so an ind vidual may ceproduce betore knowing with certainty whether the alleie is present. Focently, genefic screening tas become ava iable for tha disease. A man and woman are both heterorygous for Huntington's disease. What is the probabity that their child will have the disoase? 4. Phenyiketonuris (PKU) is a disesse chwacterited by the lack of an enzyme that normaliyy converts the amino acid pheryalanine ints ancther amine acid, tyrosine. instead the phenylalanine is converted into towe products, which accumulate and damage the cental netvous system. The utmole resul is evvece mertez retardition. A man and a woman oach carry the allebe for PKU. though nether has the disease. What is the probabiligy that this chatd is a camrier of the disease? What is the probability that eis child nas the dsease?
5. In a family, the dominantly-inherited gene for polydactyly (extra fingers or toes) is present A woman with polydactyly marries a normal man. The woman's mother did not have polydactyly. The couple has a child. What is the probablity that the child has polydactyly? A A prombing orrsoring 1/42 ??. A Ha Ao Ao ha 6. A man with blood type A, whose mom had blood type O, marries a woman with blood type AB. What is the probability that they will have a child with blood type O ? 7. A couple with a newborn baby is roubled that the child does not appear to resemble either of them. Suspecting that a mix-up occurred at the hospital, they check the blood type of the infant. It is type O. The woman is type A and the man is type B. They conclude that a mix-up must have occurred. Are they correct? 8. A woman has been married twice. Her first husband was blood type B and their child is type O. Her second husband is type B, and their child is type AB. What is the woman's genotype? 9. Four babies were born within a few minutes of each other in a large hospital, when suddenly an explosion occurred. All 4 babies ware found alive in the rubble. None had yet received its identification bracelet. The babies proved to be of 4 difterent blood groups: A, B, AB, and O. The 4 pairs of parents have the following pairs of blood types: A and B,O and O, AB and O,B and B. Which baby belongs to which couple.
Lab 14b: Pedigree Worksheet 2 1. Do shaded shapes represent a recessive, dominant, or sextinked tran? 2. Explain how you can determine this (you may star or circle specff areas of chart). 3. Write the genotype of as many indlidials as you are able below each symbol. 1. Do shaded shopes represent a recessive, dominant or seriliked tait? 2. Explain how you can determine this (you may star or circle specifc areas of chart) 3. Wrie the genotype of as many individuals as you are atle below each symbol.
1. Do shaded shapes represent a recessive, doininant, or sex-linked trait? 2. Explain how you can determine this (you may star or circle specific areas of chart) 3. Write the genotype of as many individuals as you are abio below each symbol. 1. Do shaded shapes regresent a recessive, dominant, or sex.linhed trail? 2. Explain how you can determine this (you may star or circle specific areas of chart). 3. Write the genotype of as many individuals as you are able below each symbol.