(Solved): For all problems you must draw strain-stress-force diagrams AND check AsAs,min as well as ...
For all problems you must draw strain-stress-force diagrams AND check As??As,min? as well as any assumptions you make in the calculation process. Even if the As??As,min? check fails, complete the requested calculations as stated below.
Consider the simply supported beam shown below. The design specifies a 28-day peak concrete compressive strength is 4500psi and Grade 60 steel. The bottom layer of reinforcement contains five \#10 bars and the top layer contains four #8 bars. For the given beam, determine: a) Reduced nominal moment capacity, ?f?Mn?. b) Whether ?f?Mn? is adequate to meet the maximum factored moment, Mu?. c) Curvature associated with nominal moment capacity, ?n?.