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(Solved): Following is a diagram of the shirt-cleaning process used by the Floods of Suds One-Day Laundry Ser ...
Following is a diagram of the shirt-cleaning process used by the Floods of Suds One-Day Laundry Services, Inc. The shirts are soaked in an agitated tub containing Whizzo, the Wonder Detergent, and are then wrung out and sent to a rinse stage. The dirty Whizzo is sent to a filter in which most of the dirt is removed, and the cleaned detergent is recycled back to join a stream of pure Whizzo, with the combined stream serving as the feed to the washtub. Data: 1. Each 100lbm? of dirty shirts contains 2.0lbm? of dirt. 2. The washing removes 95% of the dirt in the dirty shirts. 3. For each 100lbm? of dirty shirts, 25lbm? of Whizzo leaves with the clean shirts, of which 22lbm? is wrung back into the tub. 4. The detergent that enters the tub contains 97% Whizzo, and that which enters the filter contains 87%. The wet dirt that leaves the filter contains 8.0% Whizzo. (a) How much pure Whizzo must be supplied per 100lbm? of dirty shirts? (b) What is the composition of the recycled stream?