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Follow the logic presented in the Flow Chart to write an application in Python that allows two use ...
Follow the logic presented in the Flow Chart to write an application in Python that allows two users to play the game Rock, Paper, Scissors. The application should be designed so that both users can choose rock, paper, or scissors, and the computer decides the result of the game and returns it as output. You do NOT need to worry about input validation for this application. You do NOT need to include any loops. Legend: p1=player 1's choice p2 = player 2's choice -false- Output: "Player 2 wins!" Description: This application reads in "rock", "paper", or "scissors" from two players, computes the result of the game, and returns the result as output. false Prompt: "Player 1 (rock, paper, scissors): "(p1) Start Prompt: "Player 2 (rock, paper, scissors): " (p2) p1 = "rock" AND p2 == "scissors" OR p1 == "scissors" AND p2 == "paper" OR p1 == "paper" AND p2 == "rock" Stop p1=p2 -true- -true- Output: "Player 1 wins!" Output: "It's a tie!"