Figure i5.1: The clavicle, anterior view, Label the image using the terminology fist
either si ...
Figure i5.1: The clavicle, anterior view, Label the image using the terminology fist
either side of the spine. Figure 15.3: The humerus. (a) Anterior view of right humerus. (b) Posterior view of left humerus. Label the image using the terminology list.
15 PECTORAL GIRDLE AND UPPER LIMB LEARNING OBJECTIVES - Identfy bones that make up the pectoral girsles. - Identify boner of the upper limb. - identify features of these bones TERMINOLOGY Pectoral Gindie Clavicie Scapula Spine Acromion process Concoid process Glenoid cavity Supraspinous fossa Infraspinous fossa Subscapular fossa Upper arm Humerus Head Neck Deltoid tuberosity Capitulum Trochlea Coronoid fossa Olecranon fosse Pacius Head Styloid Process Ulis Trochilest rosch Olecranon Fiocess Coronoid Process Stylold Process Head Carpals (8) Manus (Hand) Metacarpas (1-5) Digits (1-5) Phalanges Provimal phalanx Middle phalanx Distal phylanx OVERVIEW The two pectoral girdles, right and lieft, provide attachment sites for muscles of the shoulder and brachium, Each pectoral girdle consists of a scapula (shoulder blade) and a clavicle icollarbone). The right and left upper limbs include a humerus (brachium), a radius and ulna (antibrachium), and manus (hand bones). The hand consists of a wrist or carpus, a body or metacarpus, and fingers or digits: The digits are made of small bones called phalanges.