(Solved): F=21CdAv2 is the air density (kg/m3),A is the projected frontal area (m2),v is the autom ...
F=21?Cd??Av2? is the air density (kg/m3),A is the projected frontal area (m2),v is the automobile velocity (m/s), and F is the drag force (N). What are the units of the drag coefficient variable Cd? ? Use the 8-step engineering homework format available on Canvas and follow the unit analysis technique from class to verify. Attach your engineering paper + work to the end of this document. 10. Professor Gillespie has decided to embrace living in CT and will begin a food blog comparing white clam pizzas from various restaurants across the state of CT. Using the 8-step engineering hw format available on Canvas, estimate how many clam pizzas packaged in to-go pizza boxes will fit into the trunk of her Corolla car at a single time.