(Solved): Example 2.9. Show that Stone's Model 2 reduces to two-phase relative permeability data under the sa ...
Example 2.9. Show that Stone's Model 2 reduces to two-phase relative permeability data under the same conditions as Example 2.8. "roon ?row Sww?=Siw ?=krog ?Ig?=0. In other words, knocw? is the oil-phase relative permeability at Siw?. Stone's 26 Three-Phase Model 2. Stone's second model is a probability model based on channel flow considerations. 17 Like Stone's first model, the second model approximates f(Sw?,Sg?) in Eq. 2.145 using two sets of two-phase relative permeability data (Figs. 2.19 and 26 2.20) but does not require the knowledge of Sor? in a three-phase 5y3?? tem. The model equation is krocw ?kro ??=(krow ?/krocw ?+krww ?)(krog ?/krocw ?+krg ?)?(krw ?+krg ?). where kro??0,krow ? and krw? are obtained at Sw? by use of two-phase 0i1/wwa. ? ter relative permeability data (Fig. 2.19), and krog ? and krg ? are obtained Sg? by use of two-phase oil/gas relative permeability data in the presence of irreducible water (Fig. 2.20). Again, Eq. 2.157 gives krocw ?. Both Stone's Models 1 and 2 reduce to the two-phase oil and water relative permeability data at Sg?=0 and to the two-phase oil and ges relative permeability data at Sw?=Siw?.