Draw the Class Diagram of Library Management System Classes of Library Management System : Library Management System class - It manages all operations of Library Management System. It is central part of organization for which software is being designed. . User Class - It manages all operations of user. Librarian Class - It manages all operations of Librarian. Book Class - It manages all operations of books. It is basic building block of system. -Account Class - It manages all operations of account. Library database Class - It manages all operations of library database. Staff Class - It manages all operations of staff. Student Class - It manages all operations of student. Attributes of Library Management System : Library Management System Attributes UserType, Username, Password User Attributes - Name, Id Librarian Attributes - Name, Id, Password, SearchString Book Attributes - Title, Author, ISBN, Publication -Account Attributes - no_borrowed_books, no_res Library database Attributes - List_of_books Staff Class Attributes - Dept . Student Class Attributes - Class Methods of Library Management System :