Draw a square with a Pentagram hole! The 3×3 square extends from ?0.7 to 2.3 on the X axis and from ?0.3 to 2.7 on the Y axis. Keep the X and Y arrays named xp and yp, respectively.
The template code it's below. I need help with the ellipsis.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
xp = [0, 0.81, 1.62, 1.31, 2.12, 1.12, 0.81, 0.5, -0.5, 0.31, 0] + [None] +[..., ..., ..., ..., ...]
yp = [0, 0.59, 0, 0.95, 1.54, 1.54, 2.49, 1.54, 1.54, 0.95, 0] + [None] + [..., ..., ..., ..., ...]
plt.fill(xp, yp)
Expected result: