(Solved): draw a 2d sketch in solid works following the info given below, step by step process please will upv ...
draw a 2d sketch in solid works following the info given below, step by step process please will upvote
Draw a 2D sketch using the part module as shown below in SolidWorks. Please read instructions below. Instructions: 1. Submit your SolidWorks part file with the following naming convention via Canvas. Make sure that Problem 4 is submitted as a SolidWorks part file (*.SLDPRT) in order to be considered for grading. Use the following convention to name your file: Problem 4_Last Name.SLDPRT 2. Your sketch must be fully defined (i.e., have all black lines and have the "Fully Defined" message on the status bar on SolidWorks) and have the appropriate dimensions (as detailed in the Sketch figure shown below). Think about starting your sketch at the origin (your sketch should be defined in relation to it so you can fully define it). 3. Think about different geometric relations (i.e., horizontal, vertical, parallel, coincident, perpendicular, etc.) to make the sketch fully defined. 4. Sketches with Blue, Red and / or Yellow lines (i.e., under or over defined) will not be considered for full credit. Note: All dimensions are in inches.
Note: All dimensions are in inches. Figure 4