Direction: identify the appropriate treatment called for in each description. 1. Measurement is on ...
Direction: identify the appropriate treatment called for in each description. 1. Measurement is on an interval or ratio scale; the distribution of the variable is approximately normal; matched pairs of individuals are measured; and the data constitute a random sample from the population of interest. 2. The interest is to test whether 3 or more populations have different means; the samples are randomly selected from the population of interest; the measured variable is approximately normally distributed and continuous; and measurement is on the strength of interval measurement. 3. The interest is to describe the clustering of item values, to come up with a short-hand description of a mass of quantitative data. 4. The problem seeks to answer the following questions: (1) Are the variables related in some consistent and linear way? (2) What is the strength (degree) of the relationship? The data are measured on an interval scale and the variables are approximately normally distributed. 5. The purpose is determining if a frequency distribution of a sample from a population fits some theoretical distribution; measurement is on at least a nominal scale; categories are mutually exclusive; and observations are independent. 6. The purpose is to describe the dispersion of values. 7. The data are in the strength of interval scaling. The interest is to find whether the differences calculated between two random samples can be considered significant or not. 8. The researcher would like to test three hypotheses about means of various populations; (1) the hypothesis of no difference among the levels of the first factor; (2) the hypothesis of no difference among the levels of the second factor; and (3) the hypothesis of no interaction between the first and second factors. 9. The researcher intends to allow for the correlation between initial and final scores because he/she fails to equate the control and experimental groups at the start. 10. The interest is to approximate an equation that describes the relationship between at least two variables in question. There is an assumption that there is a cause and effect relationship between the variables under study and that the independent variable is under the control of the investigator.