(Solved): Digestive System Exercise Ulcers and Gastritis Peptic ulcers and gastritis are among the most commo ...
Digestive System Exercise Ulcers and Gastritis Peptic ulcers and gastritis are among the most common disorders treated by doctors. Doctors Marshall and Warren demonstrated a connection between peptic ulcer/gastritis and a bacterium (Helicobacter pylori) present in the stomach. Dr. Marshall intentionally infected himself by drinking a "cocktail" of the presumed infectious agent. Based on research a treatment strategy was developed which included; antibiotics, bismuth, and H2 blocker drugs (collectively called histamine blockers and exemplified by cimetidine). 1. What does the antibiotic treatment do in this treatment strategy? 2. What effect does the histamine blocker drug have on stomach activity? 3. Assume a patient is given a H2 blocker drug (e.g., Tagamet) for her ulcer problem. Which type of nutrient molecule (carbohydrate, lipid or protein) might she have difficulty digesting? Why? 4. If gastric juices are present in the stomach of all people, why do most people not express the harmful effects of an ulcer?
Fat Digestion Lab Simulation. Procedure 1. Place three test tube in a 37C water bath and fill each tube as follows: Tube 1 contains: 3.0 ml oil+ 5.0 ml H2O + bile salts Tube 2 contains: 3.0 ml oil + 5.0 ml pancreatin solution Tube 3 contains: 3.0 ml oil + 5.0 ml pancreatin solution + bile salts 2. Allow the tubes to remain in the water bath for 1 simulated hour. Check the pH at 20 minute intervals. 3. Collect data and record in the table below. 0 min 20 min 40 min 60 min 7 Tube 1 Tube 2 7 5 Tube 3 3 1. What explains the difference between Tube 2 and 3? 2. What about between Tube 1 and 3? 3. Fats break down into. 65
Ans:- If helicobacter pylori is found in stomach and it is causative agent of peptic ulcer disease then Antibiotics is used to kill the bscterium for eg amoxicillin . Ans