(Solved): Derive equations for future voltage and current along transmission line (leap frog method) and apply ...
Derive equations for future voltage and current along transmission line (leap frog method) and apply boundary condition at x=0 and x=l. sinusoidal voltage input
behavior of electrical signals along a transmission line. It is commonly used to analyze and design high-frequency and highspeed digital circuits. The equation is a partial differential equation that relates the voltage and current along the transmission line. The general form of the transmission line equation is: ?2V(z,t)/?z2=(R/L)?V(z,t)/?t+(G/C)?2V(z,t)/?t2? where: - V(z,t) is the voltage along the transmission line at position z and time t. - R is the resistance per unit length of the transmission line. - L is the inductance per unit length of the transmission line. - G is the conductance per unit length of the transmission line.