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(Solved): Define the Artist class in Artist'py with a constructor to initialize an artist's information. The ...

Define the Artist class in Artistpy with a constructor to initialize an artists information. The constructor should by defa
iry > CSE 019: Introduction to Computing I home > 11.8: LAB: Artwork label (modules)
zyBooks catalog
Ex. If the input is:
Current file: main.py -
Define the Artist class in Artist'py with a constructor to initialize an artist's information. The constructor should by default initialize the artist's name to "unknown' and the years of birth and death to - 1 , Define the Artwork class in Artwork.py with a constructor to initialize an artwork's information. The constructor should by default initialize the title to "unknown", the year created to - \( - \), and the artist to use the Art ist default constructor parameter values. Add an import statement to import the Art ist class. Add import statements to main py to import the Artist and Artwork classes. Ex: if the input is: Pablo Picasso 1881 1973 Three Musictans 1921 the output is: Artist: Pablo Picasso (1881 to 1973) Title: Three Musicians, 1921 Ex If the input is: iry > CSE 019: Introduction to Computing I home > 11.8: LAB: Artwork label (modules) zyBooks catalog Ex. If the input is: Brice Marden 1938 \( -1 \) Distant Muses 2000 the output is: Artist: Brice Marden (1938 to present) Title: Distant Muses, 2000 Ex: If the input is: Banksy \( -1 \) \( -1 \) Ba11oon G1rl 2002 the output is: Artint: Bankby (unknown) Title: Balloon Gir1, 2002 Current file: main.py -

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step 1: created class Artist with construtor and print information with attributes names : artist name birth date year death date year with function n
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