(Solved): D. Bryant Angles (123):xyz(123) - Textbook's Notation These angles are a ...
D. Bryant Angles (?1???2???3?):x?y?z(123) - Textbook's Notation These angles are also referred to as Cardan angles. The angular orientation of the body-fixed base e?II is, again, represented as the result of a sequence of three rotations at the beginning of which the base e?II coincides with the reference base e?I, (Fig. 2.3). 1st rotation: Rotate axis e1I? with an angle ?1?, result in the intermediate base e?II?. 2nd rotation: Rotate axis e2II??? with an angle ?2?, produce intermediate base e?II?. 3rd rotation: Rotate axis e3II?? with an angle ?3?, give the body-fixed base its final orientation denoted e??II. The transformation equations for the individual rotations are Figure 2.3. Bryant angles ?1?,?2?,?3?e?II=A?3?e?II?e?I?=A?2?e?II??e?I??=A?1?e?I Problem 2.3. Determine all rotations (n,?) which result in positions that can be produced by Bryant angles in the critical case cos?2?=0.