This activity configures the r1 VM as an Ethernet switch (aka. multi-port bridge) by adding additional Ethernet interfaces and creating a logical "Bridge" between them.
This 'switch' is placed in a network hierarchy and traffic is observed passing 'through' the switch.
These adapters will be named enp0s8 and enp0s9 respectively (see Red Hat interface naming conventions below)
Once we have configured the bridge, the two internal networks (net1a and net1b) together with the Host-Only network #2 will be joined into a single broadcast domain.
Clone a new VM named web (linked clone, reset MAC address) from the centos_8_base VM and configure its Network Adapter 1 as follows:
You will complete the following tasks using the nmtui tool.
dhclient br0 –v
(the -v option suppresses errors)The IP address assigned to the br0 is used solely for administration of the machine, i.e. in order to connect r1 via SSH (for example, if we need to transfer files). A bridge doesn't require an IP Address to function as a bridge.
Ensure you are still able to observe traffic traversing the network.
If you would like to instead use the nmcli command to achieve the same result, the command incantations you would need are provided below. The nmcli command might be quicker at the cost of clarity.
Record the precise commands (ip link, ip address, bridge, nmtui navigation, nmcli connection) used to configure the individual interfaces, IP settings, and bridge configuration on the r1 VM. You will need this later in the course.
Discover and record the IP address of the default gateways for all VM's except the instr_rtr VM (they will need to be running)
Capture ping traffic from the web VM to simultaneously at web, ws1 and r1 VM's on the enp0s3, using tcpdump
The following command will capture traffic going through enp0s3 and save it to a file named my_capture.pcap:
sudo tcpdump -i enp0s3 -w my_capture.pcap
Copy the capture files back to your host using sftp and view them using Wireshark.
Identify the source and destination MAC address (as given in the Ethernet frame) of the ping traffic on your r1, and web VM's.