Consider the state of a spin-up electron moving along the z-axis u(1)(p)=(E+mc2)/c0 ...
Consider the state of a spin-up electron moving along the z-axis u(1)(p)=???(E+mc2)/c?0(E?mc2)/c?0???? Calculate expressions for the following chiral-projected states: i. uL(1)?=PL?u(1), and ii. uR(1)?=PR?u(1). Furthermore, show that in the ultra-relativistic limit E>>mc2,uL(1)? becomes zero, and uR(1)? and u(1) become equal. The concept: the quantities uL? and uR? are defined to be the left- and righthanded "chiral" parts of the electron wavefunction, but the analogy to left-and right-handed helicity eigenstates only becomes exact for E>>mc2.