(Solved): Consider the moment vector about a point Mxi+Myj+Mz. Which of the statements are true? (Check all t ...
Consider the moment vector about a point Mxi+Myj+Mz. Which of the statements are true? (Check all that are true) If the y axis is positive upwards and you want to determine if a force causes a CW or CCW moment about the y axis, you would need to view the rotation from the bottom up. Mx is the result of forces in x direction Mz is the result of forces in the x,y, and z directions If the y axis is positive upwards and you want to determine if a force causes a CW or CCW moment about the y axis, you would need to view the rotation from the top down. To find Mz about a point due to a force in the y direction, you would need to multiply the force by the x distance between the point and the force My is the result of forces in the x and y directions only