Home / Expert Answers / Chemical Engineering / consider-the-malate-dehydrogenase-reaction-from-the-citric-acid-cycle-given-the-listed-concentrati-pa204

(Solved): Consider the malate dehydrogenase reaction from the citric acid cycle, Given the listed concentrati ...

Consider the malate dehydrogenase reaction from the citric acid cycle, Given the listed concentrations, calculate the free en
Consider the malate dehydrogenase reaction from the citric acid cycle, Given the listed concentrations, calculate the free energy change for this reaction at energy change for this reaction at \( 37.0^{\circ} \mathrm{C}(310 \mathrm{~K}), \Delta G^{\prime} \) for the reaction is \( +29.7 \mathrm{~kJ} / \mathrm{mol} \). Assume that the reaction occurs at \( \mathrm{pH} 7 \). \[ \begin{array}{l} {[\text { malate }]=1.55 \mathrm{mM}} \\ \text { [oxaloacetate] }=0.210 \mathrm{mM} \\ {\left[\mathrm{NAD}^{+}\right]=120 \mathrm{mM}} \\ {[\mathrm{NADH}]=48 \mathrm{mM}} \end{array} \]

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