Home / Expert Answers / Advanced Math / consider-the-homogeneous-linear-equation-ax-0-when-the-right-hand-side-vector-is-the-zero-vector-pa807

(Solved): Consider the homogeneous linear equation Ax=0, (when the right-hand-side vector is the zero vector, ...

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Consider the homogeneous linear equation , (when the right-hand-side vector is the zero vector, the equation is called homogeneous.) If has linearly independent columns, then the solution of can only be the zero vector. Can you see why? It is because is essentially a linear combination of the columns of , where the scaling coefficient of the -th column is exactly the i-th component in the solution . When the LC sums up to the RHS zero vector , the linear independence of the columns of would force the coefficients to be all zeros! (Otherwise it means the columns of are linearly dependent.) Now try the above theoretical reasoning to the following equation with a concrete Pay attention to the dimension matches here (explicitly written out for you already). Multiply out using standard matrix-vector product, then use LC of column to express , you should get the same product! Then make it equal to the RHS zero vector, then find the solution: Spend some time to convince yourself that this is the only solution you can get. Can any other solution for the above homogeneous linear equation exist? (input only yes or no)

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