Home / Expert Answers / Finance / consider-the-following-analytical-problems-related-to-improperly-paid-out-checks-1-stop-payment-o-pa868

(Solved): Consider the following analytical problems related to improperly paid out checks [1] Stop Payment O ...

Consider the following analytical problems related to improperly paid out checks
[1] Stop Payment Order
- Number of errors on
Consider the following analytical problems related to improperly paid out checks [1] Stop Payment Order - Number of errors on the stop payment form \( =10 \) - Check presented in the different branch/different city in which the SPO was received - The bank had 20 days from the date that the SPO was given til the date the check was presented [1] Is the \( \mathrm{A} / \mathrm{H} \) more likely/ equally likely/less likely to recover from the bank for improper payment? Is the \( \mathrm{A} / \mathrm{H} \) more likely/ equally likely/less likely to recover from the bank for improper payment? (CIRCLE) [2] Pursuant to which theory? (select from one of the four theories of bank-customer relations) [3] SHOW YOUR WORK BELOW (Make sure you depict the variables of the hypo in relation to those of the base-line): [II] Forged Checks Consider the following sequence of events in which an integer indicates the sum of all forged checks improperly drawn from the A/H's current account by any single forger: \( \emptyset \) means that no forged checks are present. \( \mathrm{A} / \mathrm{H} \) finds all forged checks in May from the cancelled checks sent by the bank to the \( \mathrm{AH} \) in June and punctually notifies the bank. [1] On which checks can the account holder recover? [Identify forger(s) by letter and indicate sum for each particular forger and the total amount recoverable from the bank] [2] Suppose that the February forged check of \( \mathrm{C} \) had not been subject to a signature check. How would (if at all) this effect the outcome to your answer above? Explain in the space provided

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i. 1. It is equally likely for the A/H to recover from the bank for improper payment in this case. 2. The A/H can reco
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