(Solved): Consider the flow on the driven side of a shock tube after the bursting of the diaphragm, as shown ...
Consider the flow on the driven side of a shock tube after the bursting of the diaphragm, as shown in Figure 2. The air in the driven side is initially 65kPa and the temperature 440K. The probe is 3m away from the diaphragm. The diaphragm breaks, releasing a shock that travels toward the probe, with a temperature ratio T2/T1=1.813 across it. After the shock passes, calculate the Mach number at location 2 (M2) and the Pitot pressure (P02 in kPa) recorded by the probe. ütfen birini seçin: a.M2 =2.150;P02=674 b.M2 =0.554;P02=674 c.M2 =1.043;P02=674 d.M2 =1.043;P02=340 e.M2 =2.150;P02=340 f.M2 =0.554;P02=340?