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(Solved): Consider. Blewilt's Farm, a small blueberty grower relative to the size of the market whose product ...
Consider. Blewilt's Farm, a small blueberty grower relative to the size of the market whose production has no impact on wages and prices. The following table presents Blewitt's production schedule for blueberries: Suphose that the market wage for blueberv pickors is 5118 per workeriperdav, and the pncr of bluebernes is si6 peet pound. whomebtalli corinnct the poirts.
Note: Remember to plot each point between the two integers. For example; when the number of workers increases from 0 to 1 , the value of the marginal product of for the first worker should be plotted with a horizontal coordinate of \( 0.5 \), the value halfway between 0 and 1 . Line segments will automatically connect the points:
At the given wape and price level, Blewitt's should hire Suppose that the price of bluebernies decreases to \( \$ 12 \) per pound, but the wage rate remains at \( \$ 118 \). On the previcus graph, use the purple points (diamond symbol) to piot glewtr's labor deinand curve when the outout price us \( \$ 12 \) per pound. Now Blewitt's should hire When the output price is 512 per pound. Assuinhing that all blueberry.prodvcing firma have similar production schedules, a decroase in the arice of blueberries wilf cause the Dlueberty picherste) Suppose that wages decrease to 3100 due to a deereased demand for woekers in this miarket. Assumino that the orice of blueberries cemains at 812 . per pound. Bin witt's will now hire