(Solved): Consider a flat plate with parallel airflow (top and bottom) charscterized by ux=5m/s,Tm=20 ...
Consider a flat plate with parallel airflow (top and bottom) charscterized by ux?=5m/s,Tm?=20?C. Determine the average comvection heat transfer coefficient, convective hest transfer rate and drag force associated with an L=2.2?m?tong.W=2.2??m wide flat plate witha surface temperature of Tx?=50?C. Assume the critical Reynolds number is 5×105. Determine the werase corwection heat transfer coefficlent, in W/m2?K. ?i?=W/m2+k Determine the corvective heat transfer rate, in W. q= W Deterinine the dras force, in N. F0?= Physical Properties Mathematical Functions