Consider a constant-volume continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) shown in Figure P6.6. The follo ...
Consider a constant-volume continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) shown in Figure P6.6. The following reaction takes place isothermally in the CSTR: with the reaction rate being first order in both directions: r1?=k1?CR?,r?1?=k?1?CP?. The inlet concentration of the reactant CR0? is the input of the system, the concentration of species P in the reactor CP? is the output.
(a) Write down a state-space model for this system, consisting of mole balances for species R and P. Put your model in standard matrix form dtdx?=Ax+buy=cx+du? (b) Derive the transfer function of the CSTR using the formula G(s)=c(sI?A)?1b+d.