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(Solved): Combinatorial Circuits The first circuit we will build using only AND, OR, an ...

Combinatorial Circuits
The first circuit we will build using only AND, OR, and NOT gates represents the following Boolean equ???????

Combinatorial Circuits The first circuit we will build using only AND, OR, and NOT gates represents the following Boolean equation: The circuit diagram for this is below: Figure 1: Combinatorial Circuit 1 Create the truth table for this circuit and include it in your lab report. Include a labeled snip of your completed circuit. Summarize the truth table - under what conditions does this gate result in true? Next, create the following circuit using only three gate blocks from the set of AND, OR or NOT. Determine the truth table for this circuit and include it in your lab report. Compare the results of this circuit to the first combinatorial circuit, under what conditions does this circuit result in true? Using the Boolean laws we have discussed in class, explain the similarities and differences in the two circuits.

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